Выпускники Стэнфорда стали соподписателями облигаций соучредителя FTX на сумму 250 миллионов долларов

According to the latest court documents in the fraud case involving former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried in Manhattan, the New York judge presiding over the case unsealed the co-signers of Bankman-Fried’s bond on Wednesday. The names of the two bail bond

Хотя опыт казался очень простым: Соучредитель FTX SBF нанял «белых воротничков» адвоката, который представлял интересы Гислен Максвелл

В декабре. 6, 2022, the former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried (СБФ) reportedly retained the attorney Mark Cohen, the lawyer that represented Ghislaine Maxwell during her recent sex trafficking case. SBF’s spokesperson further explained that the FTX co-founder is being consulted by